Ring by Koji Suzuki
Genre:Thiller / Horror
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 286
Published April 25, 2004
Read the novel that spawned blockbuster horror films on both sides of the pacific. This is about ajournalist named Asakawa that hears of the mysteries death of four teenagers that died on the same day at the same time. He is determined that this is some kind of virus. That is until he watches a mysterious VHS tape. Now he has seven days to figure out the curse of the video tape or he dies. This book was very good. It was different from the movie and it was very creepy. My favorite scene was when Sadako was watching T.V. and a boy walked in and tried to turn on a lamp and it wasn't plugged in and that's when he noticed that the T.V. wasn't plugged in either. This book was a page turner and is a fast paced thiller. If you like horror novels try this one. It is sure to scare your pants off. Suzuki is also known as the "Stephen King of Japan!"
A darker shade of magic series
I couldn't find a trailer for this book. But here is a summary of the series.
A Conjuring of light by V.E. Schwab
Genre: Fantasy
Format: audiobook/hardcover
Published February 21, 2017
Witness the fate of beloved heroes--and enemies. The balance of power has finally tipped... Who will crumble? Who will rise? Who will take control?
This is the third book in the darker shade of magice series. This book starts where the second book left off. Kell gets rescued by Lila Bard from Holland in Black London. There is thus evil darkness that comes to Red London and Kell, Rhy, Alucard, Lila and eventually Holland has to learn how to get rid of it. I liked this book. It was action packed and many characters died. My favorite part was when Rhy tried to protect his mother from Osaron, who want Red London to crumble and want to rule it as well. I also loved how Red London was destroyed. This book was dark but, It was fun as well. Rhys' character becomes very strong. I listened to this on audible and I didn't like how their where two voices. One Male and one female. This book is not told in first person. It only needed to be narratied by one person. This distracted me and caused me to rate this book a 4 out of 5 stars.
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Genre: Children Horror/ Dark Fantasy
Format: Paperback
Published April 24,2012
This book is about a girl named Coraline, who discovers another world behind a door. This other world has her other mother and her other father and she likes this other world until they want her to stay and be their little girl. They want to change her and never let her go. I liked this fun novel. This is also a coming of age novel;. I loved Neil Gaiman's writing style. My favorite character was the cat. He was very funny and sarcatic. He also didn't have a name. I loved the other mother. she was very evil and sinister. She also would control the other father and the other neighbors as well. I rated this book a 4 out of 5.
The Suffering Book trailer
This is a cool book trailer! I loved this book by the way!
The Suffering by Rin Chupeco
Genre: YA Horror
Format: Paperback
Published September 8,2015
Not all that is lost should be found... The darkness will find you.
This is about a boy named Tark and he hunts and kills people who murder,rapist and more, with a ghost named Okiku. This is the second book in The Girl from the Well and it doesn't disappoint. Tark finds out Kagura is missing, they (Callie, Tark & Okiku) must solve the mystery of her disappearance. This leads them to Aokigahara Forest, where there is a deserted city. This book is scary and filled with terrifying ghosts that want to slit your throat. I also loved the ending and it left me wanting more.
The Woman in Black book trailer
The Woman in Black by Susan Hill
Genre: Gothic Horror
Format: Audiobook
pages: 138
Published December 1, 2001
This book is about a lawyer named Arther Kipps, who came to London to attend the funeral of Mrs. Alice Drablow of Eel Marsh house. This book is a ghost story and a mystery about a mysterious woman in black. Arther Kipps starts settling in the Eel Marsh house and discover a supernatural figure, a woman in black. she haunts him and she feeds on children of the village. This is a slow read for me. The character Arthur enters the Eel Marsh house and experinces supernatuaral things. For example a rocking chair that rocks by itself, a child's scream in the fog, and much more. I rated this a low rating because of the sad ending. The ending was very heart breaking.
Bird Box book trailer
Birdbox by Josh Malerman
Genre: YA Horror/ Thriller
Format: Audiobook
Pages: 262
Published May 13 2014
Something is out there, Something terrfying that must not be seen . One glimpse of it, and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where is came from.
This book is about a family who lives in an abandoned house near the river and they have to travel beyond the river to find a safe place to live the catch is they are blindfolded. I loved this book. It had so many creepy scenes and it creates imagination. My favorite scene was about Malorie's son and how he was getting water from the well and thought he could hear something in the well. He feels the well and he feels inside the pail to see if anything is in the well. Then he hears footsteps behind him and he runs toward the house. The story is well written and I loved the twist at the end. The ending left an uneasy feeling and it wasn't a happy feel good ending. My favorite character was Malorie. I could relate to her. Another interesting thing about the book was what Malorie called her son and daughter. She refered to them as boy and girl. Malorie was also dealing was pregnancy.
"You can smell it, too. Death. Dying. Decay. The sky is falling. the sky is dying, the sky is dead."
Dark Places Trailer
This is a very dark trailer like the book.
Dark Places by Gillian Flynn
Genre: Thriller/Mystery
Format: Paperback
Pages: 349
Published May 5, 2009
" I was not a lovable child, and I'd grown into a deeply unlovable adult. Draw a picture of my soul, and it'd be a scribble with fangs.
Libby Day was seven when her mother and two sister were murdered and she survived and testified that Ben, her brother was the killer. Tweenty-five years later, The Kill Club believe Ben is not the killer and Libby starts investagating. This book was great! I loved this book. I loved the mystery and trying to figure out who murdered the whole family. We got three perspectives Libby,Ben and Patty ( the mom). My favorite character was Ben "the outcast". He was afraid of everything and could not face situations. The twist was unexpected and the ending was a happy one. This book is dark. It deals with murder, rape and has discusting imagey. I recommend this book for fans of dark twistly murders. I rated this a 5 out of 5.
77 Shadow Street Book trailer
77 Shadow Street by Dean Koontz
Genre: thriller/ Science fiction
Format: Audiobook
Published December 27,2011
I am the One, the all and only I live in the Pendleton as surely as I live everywhere. I am the Pendleton's history and it destiny.The building is my place of conception, my momument, my killing ground.
This book is about 4 residents that are staying in a haunted home that got turned in a apartment. The residents start seeing supernatal beings. I liked this story. It was creepy and kept getting creepier. It has an interesting twist. I listened to this drom the library and the first disc kept skipping, so I didn't listen to the whole thing. My favorite scene was the T.V. scene. Where the T.V. starts talking to the residents. My favorite character was the boy Winnie. He always wished he was a hero. There is also a character named Mickey who was a killer and thought everything was sexy. There is also a murder that happens in the house and the police is investaging it. This book had weird scene and was more science fiction then horror. I rated this a 4 out of 5. If you like science fiction you will like this book.
The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
Genre: Middle Grade myth retelling/ fantasy
Format: Paperback
Pages: 361
Published March 6,2008
"People are more difficult to work with than machines. And when you break a perosn, he can't be fixed."
This is the fouth book in the Percy Jackson series. This is about the labyrinth and how Krono is using it to invade Camp half blood. Annabeth and company are sent into the labyrinth to find the creator and the string so they can find Luke and stop Krono and his army from invading camp. I liked this book. This book introduces more characters and gods, like Briares, the hundred handed one. We meet more Gods like,Hera and Janus. My favorite scene was Nico feeding the grave coke and Mcdonalds happy meals to wake up the dead. I would love to wake up to that. Percy and Annabeth take an interest in each other. My favorite new character is the huge friendly hellhound named "Mrs. O' Leary". Riordan is very funny and smart. I recommend this for 12 year olds and up. I rated this a 4 out of 5. A solid read. If you love mythology you should give this series a try.
The Christmas Shoes Book Trailer
This is the Book trailer to The Christmas Shoes.
The Christmas Shoes by Donna VanLiere
Genre: Comtemporary
Format: Paperback
Pages: 132
Published November 9,2001
"I don't know what sort of occasion I was waiting for... because everyday was a special occasion with your father."
This book is about a two families; Layton family and Andrews family. The Layton fasmily are rich. They have everything, a big house, money, a nicecar, Robert works a a lawyer. But He is having problems. He and his wife marrage is suffering. He is spending to much time at work and not as much at the family. In the Andrews family Maggie the mother is dying of cancer. Maggie and Jack a middle class family making ends meet. They have two children Nathan,6 and Rachel 3. Nathan decides to save up some money to buy his mom some beautiful shoes. This is a very touching and insporational novel. I liked Maggie and Nathans characters the best. I think it is cool that it was a song first. The writting is simple and it is easy to read. The only problem I had was it was too short and the problems got resolved easily.This is also the first book of a series. I rated this a 4 out of 5.
The Animorphs book trailer
This is an interesting series. Pick it up.
The Invasion By K.A. Applegate (animorphs,1)
Genre:Science fiction
Format: Paperback
Published June 1, 1996
We can't tell you who we are or where we live. It's too risky and we've got to be careful. But everyone is in danger. Yeah. Even you.
This is the first book in the Animorphs series. One day five kids: Rachel,Cassie, Jake, Tobias, and Marco are walking home from the mall and they see a spaceship. They meet an alien that is injured and he gives them the ability to morph into animals. Why are these aliens here? Because they are trying to save us from the Yeeks; an alien that feeds off of living creatures preferably humans. This was very action packed and even though it was short, it has a lot of information that was packed in the book. There was less character development in this first book but, I hope the characters grow and improve. I recommend this book to people who don't like to read because it is short and people who love Alien invasion stories. I rated this book a 4 out of 5.
Scarlett Epstein Hates it here book trailer
I suggest you don't watch this book trailer. There is spoilers for the book.
Scarlett Epstein Hates it Here By Anna Breslaw
Genre: High school Contemporary
Format: Hardcover
pages: 280
Published April 19,2016
Melville, New Jersey, is the perfect place to have a pretty medicre life for like seventy years and then die. In fact, that might be on the WELCOME TO MELVILLE sign you see when you get off the turnpike at Exit 6A, right above POPULATION: 5,500 EMPTY FUNYUNS BAGS, 1 BORED JEWISH GIRL.
This is a coming of age novel about a girl named Scarlett.She is obsessed with a show "Lycanthrope High" and writes fanfiction about it.She also has a crush on Gideon, who has known her since elementary school. I have to be honest at first I didn't like this book. Scarlett was worred about petty things like getting a boyfriend and she was also jealous of a "Popular" girl named Ashley. Scarlett is friends with Avery and Ruth. Avery does Scarletts' homework. UHH! Ruth is an old woman who likes to smoke weed. By the middle of the book my opinions change. Scarlett's dad hurt her mom and scarlett stands up for her. This is when the book gets way better. This book deals with death, freindship, love and is filled with teenage trops. I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars because it does have a powerful message.
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